Rosacea-prone Skin | Essential Routine
A specially curated collection of gentle and soothing products designed to address the unique needs of rosacea-prone skin. This comprehensive bundle combines targeted formulations to help calm inflammation, reduce redness, and restore the skin’s natural balance.
A specially curated collection of gentle and soothing products designed to address the unique needs of rosacea-prone skin. This comprehensive bundle combines targeted formulations to help calm inflammation, reduce redness, and restore the skin’s natural balance. This complete routine contains the below products:
Phyto Botanical Gel – A botanical gel formulation to assist in calming and soothing sensitive or irritated skin. This product was engineered to promote healing, containing ingredients like anti-inflammatory botanicals and hydrating hyaluronic acid.
Intensive Moisturiser – A moisturiser is key for preventing the burning, stinging, itching and irritation often associated with rosacea, as well as building a strong moisture barrier to help keep out impurities and irritants that may aggravate sensitive skin.
SPF 30 Mineralised Sunscreen – Using sunscreen is especially important for rosacea patients, as sun exposure is a huge trigger for rosacea flare-ups. Our SPF 30 Mineralised Sunscreen is a natural solution for sun care that won’t irritate the skin.
How to use:
Step 1 – After gentle cleansing apply Phyto Botanical Gel
Step 2 – Intensive Moisturiser
Step 3 – SPF 30 Mineralised Sunscreen
Step 1 – After gentle cleansing apply Phyto Botanical Gel
Step 2 – Intensive Moisturiser